[1] [2] At the contemplation of this cardinall, the king lent to the emperour a great summe of monie. But the chiefest matter that mooued the king to be so frée to Maximilian, was bicause the same monie should be imploied on men of warre against the French king, towards whome the king (or rather cardinall Woolseie) of late had conceiued a grudge, as thus. True it is, that the king bestowed the reuenues of the see of Tornaie vpon the cardinall, at what time that sée came into the kings hands: and therefore the cardinall being desirous to assure to himselfe the same, made sute to the French king, that he would prouide Guillard the former bishop of Tornaie of some other bishoprike in France, so that he might resigne the bishoprike of Tornaie clearelie into his hands. The French king, perceiuing how much this should make against his purpose, that vpon occa|sion hoped euer to recouer the possession of Tornaie, would not gratifie the cardinall herein.