[1] [2] After this, the duke of Norffolke departed home into his countrie, and last of all the duke of Suffolke also followed the other. For he hauing spent liberal|lie in his iournies when he went as ambassador into France, also in the solemnization of his marriage, and in houskéeping since he was maried, borrowed great summes of monie of the king,The duke of Suffolkes [...]ope hinde| [...]ed by the cardinall. which he hoped should haue béene forgiuen him: but the cardinall would not haue it so, to the intent that the duke be|ing behind hand in debt, should be the more at com|mandement. For as wealth maketh men loftie, so dooth want make them lowlie. In the moneth of Oc|tober, Edw. Hall. An ambassa| [...] from the em [...]erour Maximilian. in this eight yeare of king Henrie, Matthew bishop of Sion or Sittin, a cardinall (commonlie cal|led the cardinall of the Swizzes) came into England from the emperour Maximilian.