Anno Reg. 8.As ye haue heard the last yéere how the quéene of Scots with hir husband was come for succor into England, and laie at Harbottell in Northumber|land, till the kings pleasure was to send for them; so now know you that he (like a naturall brother) sent for hir and hir husband to come to his court for their solace:The king sendeth for the queene of Scots and hir husband to his court. for the which kindnesse the earle humblie than|ked the king, and promised to giue his attendance on the queene his wife to the court. Wherevpon the king sent William Blacknall esquier, clerke of his spicerie with siluer vessell, plate, and other things necessarie for the conueiance of hir, and sent to hir all manner of officers for hir estate conuenient. Now when she was readie to depart, she asked for hir husband, but he was departed into Scotland, and left hir alone; nothing remembring his promise. Which sudden departing much made hir to muse: howbeit,The queene of Scots comming to London, and so to Greene|wich. the lords of England greatlie incouraged hir to kéepe hir promise with the king hir brother.