[1] [2] [3] After the end of the parlement, sir Edward Poi|nings laboured to be discharged of the kéeping of Tornaie, bicause he could not haue health there:The lord Mountioy made gouer|nour of Tor|naie. and so he was discharged, and sir William Blunt lord Mountioy was sent thither to haue that roome, and for marshall was appointed sir Sampson Norton. Immediatlie vpon their comming thither chanced a great riot, raised by the souldiers,A mutinie a|mongst the soldiers at Tornaie. so that to appease them, the lord Mountioy was put in ieopardie of his life. In conclusion, to quiet them sir Sampson Nor|ton was banished the towne for euer, but what the matter was I haue not found rehearsed by anie writer. After that the citie was appeased, and euerie thing thought to be forgotten, diuerse of the offen|dors were executed, and diuerse banished the towne, some fled, and were confined both out of England and the towne.