[1] No lesse adoo was there at the bringing of the car|dinals hat, who on a sundaie (in S. Peters church at Westminster) receiued the same, with the habit, the piller, and other such tokens of a cardinall. And now that he was thus a perfect cardinall, he looked a|boue all estates, which purchased him great hatred and disdaine on all sides. For his ambition was no lesse discernable to the eies of the people, than the sunne in the firmament in a cléere and cloudlesse summer daie; which procured against him the more hatred among the noble and popular sort; for that his base linage was both noted and knowne, in so much that his insatiable aspiring to supereminent degrees of dignitie kindled manifest contempt and detesta|tion among such as pretended a countenance of good will and honorable dutie vnto him, though in verie deed the same parties (if fréelie and without checke they might haue spoken their fansie) would haue in|tituled him a proud popeling; as led with the like spi|rit of swelling ambition, wherwith the rable of popes haue béene bladder like puffed and blowne vp: a di|uelish and luciferian vice, in the iudgements of men abhominable, and in the sight of God most damna|ble; as the poet in this distichon trulie witnesseth:
Dij superi fastum, fastum mortales abhorrent,Hac homini leuitas displicet atque Deo.Gu. H [...].