[1] [2] This yeare in September, the king being at his manour of Oking, after his returne from his pro|gresse which he made that yeare into the west parts, the archbishop of Yorke came thither to him. Whi|lest he soiourned there,The archbi|shop of Yorke elected cardi|nall. a letter was brought to the said archbishop from Rome, aduertising him that he was elected cardinall, which letter incontinentlie he shewed to the king, disabling himselfe in words, though his intent was otherwise; and so the king did incourage him, and willed him to take that dignitie vpon him, and called him from thensefoorth my lord cardinall. But his hat, bull, nor other ceremonies were not yet come.A parlement at Westmin|ster. In Nouember, the king assem|bled his high court of parlement at Westminster, wherein, diuerse acts made in the sixt yeare were re|formed and altered, and especiallie the act of apparell, and the act of labourers, as by the booke of statutes more plainelie appéereth.