[1] [2] The king at the first staid, but after long sute, and speciallie by meane of the French quéene hir selfe, and other the dukes fréends, it was agreed that the duke should bring hir into England vnmarried, and at his returne to marrie hir in England: but for doubt of change he married hir secretlie in Paris at the house of Clugnie, as was said. After he had re|ceiued hir with hir dower appointed, & all hir apparell, Anno Reg. 7. The French quéene mar|ried to the duke of Suf [...]folke. iewels, and houshold stuffe deliuered, they tooke leaue of the new French king, and so passing thorough France, came to Calis; where she was honourablie interteined, and after openlie married with great honour vnto the said duke of Suffolke. Doctor West (as then nominated bishop of Elie) remained behind at Paris, to go through with the full conclusi|on of a new league betwixt the king of England, and the new French king.