[1] [2] The councell of France (by the kings appoint|ment) assigned foorth hir dowrie, and the duke of Suffolke put in officers, and then was the quéene de|liuered to the duke by indenture,

The duke of Suffolke winneth the good will of the quéene Dowager of France.

Polydor Edw. Hall.

who behaued him|selfe so towards hir, that he obteined hir good will to be hir husband. It was thought, that when the king created him duke of Suffolke, he perceiued his si|sters good will towards the said duke; and that he meant then to haue bestowed hir vpon him; but that a better offer came in the waie. But howsoeuer it was now, he wan hir loue; so as by hir consent, he wrote to the king hir brother, méekelie beséeching him of pardon in his request, which was humblie to desire him of his good will and contentation.