[1] [2] The king of England being aduertised of the French kings death, caused a solemne obsequie to be kept for him in the cathedrall church of S. Paule, with a costlie hearse: at which manie nobles were present. After this he sent a letter to comfort the quéene his sister, requiring to know hir pleasure, whether she would continue still in France, or re|turne into England. And when he was aduertised of hir mind (which was to returne into England) the duke of Suffolke,The duke of Suffolke and others sent into France to bring the French quéene into England. Abr. Fl. ex Guic. pag. 685. Francis the first coms to the crowne. sir Richard Wingfield deputie of Calis, and doctor West, with a goodlie band of gen|tlemen and yeomen, all in blacke, were sent into France, and comming to Paris, were well receiued of the new French king, Francis the first of that name [who was the next heire male of the bloud roi|all and of the same line of the dukes of Orleance: he was preferred to the succession of the kingdome be|fore the daughters of the dead king by vertue and di|sposition of the law Salike, a law verie ancient in the realme of France, which excludeth from the roiall dignitie all women; so long as there is anie issue male of the same line.