[1] After Easter the nineteenth daie of the moneth of Aprill, the king deliting to set foorth yoong gentle|men, called Nicholas Carew, and Francis Brian, and caused diuerse other yoong gentlemen to be on the counter part, and lent to them horsse and harnesse to incourage all youth to séeke déeds of armes. This yeare died at Rome by poison (as was reported) the archbishop of Yorke and cardinall,Doctor Ben|brike archbi|shop of Yorke and cardinall poisoned at Rome. called doctor Ben|brike, who was the kings ambassadour there: this was a wiseman and of a iollie courage. The king then gaue the said archbishoprike to Thomas Wol|sie, then bishop of Lincolne, who at that time bare all the rule about the king, and what he said was o|beied in all places. Now when he was once archbi|shop, he studied daie and night how to be a cardinall, and caused the king, and the French king to write to Rome for him, and at their requests he obteined his purpose, as you shall heare afterward.