[1] But the boats were readie, and receiued the ladie out of the ship, and sir Christopher Garnish stood in the water and tooke hir in his armes, and so caried hir to land, where the duke of Uandosme, and a cardinall, with manie other great estates receiued hir with great honor. From Bullen with easie iournies she was conueied vnto Abuile, & there entered the eighth of October [where she was receiued by the Dolphin with great honour, Edw. Hall in He. 8. fol. xlvii [...] she was apparelled in cloth of sil|uer, hir horsse was trapped in goldsmiths worke ve|rie richlie. After hir followed 36 ladies all their pal|fries trapped with crimsin veluet embrodered. After them followed one chariot of cloth of tissue, the se|cond cloth of gold, & the third crimsin veluet embro|dered with the kings armes & hirs, full of roses. Af|ter them followed a great number of archers, and then wagons laden with their stuffe. Great was the riches in plate, iewels, monie, apparell, and hangings that this ladie brought into France.]