[1] In September following, the said ladie was con|ueied to Douer by the king hir brother & the queene, and on the second daie of October she was shipped, and such as were appointed to giue their attendance on hir, as the duke of Norffolke, the marquesse Dor|set, the bishop of Durham, the earle of Surreie, the lord de la Ware, the lord Berners, the lord Montea|gle, the foure brethren of the said marques, sir Mau|rice Berklie, sir Iohn Pechie, sir William Sands, sir Thomas Bulleine, sir Iohn Car, and manie other knights, esquiers, gentlemen and ladies. They had not sailed past a quarter of the sea, but that the wind arose and seuered the ships, driuing some of them to Calis, some into Flanders, and hir ship with great difficultie was brought to Bullen not without great ieopardie at the entering of the hauen, for the mai|ster ran the ship hard on shore.