[1] After that they were accorded vpon a full peace, and that the French king should marrie this yoong ladie, the indentures were drawen, ingrossed,A peace con|cluded be|tweene Eng|land & [...] & sea|led, and peace therevpon proclamed the seuenth daie of August; & the king in presence of the French am|bassadors was sworne to kéepe the same: and like|wise there was an ambassage sent out of England to see the French king sweare the same. The dowrie that was assigned vnto the bride to be receiued after hir husbands deceasse, Polydor. if she suruiued him, was na|med to be 32000 crownes of yearelie reuenues, & to be receiued out of certeine lands assigned foorth therefore during all hir naturall life. And moreouer, it was further agreed & couenanted, that the French king should content and paie yearelie vnto king Henrie, during the space of fiue yeares, the summe of one hundred thousand crownes.The ladie Marie aff [...] to K. Lewes of France. By conclusion of this peace was the duke of Longuile with the other prisoners deliuered, paieng their ransoms, and the said duke affied the ladie Marie in the name of his maister king Lewes.