[1] About the same time the warres yet continuing betwéene England & France, Prior Iehan (of whom ye haue heard before in the fourth yéere of this kings reigne) great capteine of the French nauie, with his gallies and foists charged with great basilisks and o|ther artillerie, came on the borders of Sussex in the night season,Brighthelm|ston in Sus|sex burnt. at a poore village there called Bright|helmston, & burnt it, taking such goods as he found. But when the people began to gather, by firing the becons, Prior Iehan sounded his trumpet, to call his men aboord, and by that time it was daie. Then cer|teine archers that kept the watch folowed Prior Ie|han to the sea, and shot so fast, that they beat the gallie men from the shore; and wounded manie in the foist, to the which Prior Iehan was constreined to wade and was shot in the face with an arrow,Prior Iehan capteine of the French galies shot into the eie with an arrow. so that he lost one of his eies, and was like to haue died of the hurt: and therefore he offered his image of wax be|fore our ladie at Bullongne, with the English arrow in the face for a miracle.