[1] On the nineteenth daie of Maie was receiued into London a cap of maintenance & a sword,A cap of [...]tenance se [...] to the king from the po [...] sent from pope Iulie, with a great companie of nobles and gen|tlemen, which was presented to the king on the sun|daie then next insuing, with great solemnitie in the cathedrall church of saint Paule. Touching this pope (saith Guicciardine) disappointed of so manie hopes, Abr. Fl. ex Guic. pag. 490. Pope Iulie compared to Anteus. we may laie him in comparison with that which is written by the poets of Anteus, that being tamed by the forces of Hercules, as often as he was throwne to the ground, so often did appeare in him a greater strength and courage; such wéening had the pope a|midst his aduersities, for when he seemed most aba|sed and oppressed, it was then that he did most lift vp him selfe with a spirit more constant and resolute, promising better of his fortune than euer.