Anno Reg. 6. Abr. Fl. ex I.S. pag. 902.George Monox for this yeare Maior of London, of his godlie disposition reedified the decaied stéeple of the parish church of Walthamstow, in the countie of Essex, adding therevnto a side Ile, with a chappell, where he lieth buried. And on the northside of the churchyard there, he founded a faire large almes|house for an almose priest or schoolemaister, and thir|téene poore almes folke, eight men, and fiue women, appointing to the said almes priest or schoolmaister for his yearelie wages, six pounds thirtéene shillings foure pence; and to euerie one of the said almes folke seuen pence a weeke, and fiue pounds to be bestowed yearelie amongst them in coles. And ordeined that the said almes priest should on sundaies and festiuall daies, be helping and assistant to the vicar or curat there in celebration of diuine seruice, & on the wéeke daies fréelie to applie and teach yoong children of the said parish,Freé schoole at Waltham|stow. to the number of thirtie, in a schoolehouse by him there builded for that purpose. Moreouer, hée gaue to the parish clearke there for the time being, a yearlie stipend of twentie six shillings eight pence, for euer, and a chamber by the said almes house, to the intent he should helpe the said schoolemaister to teach the said children. And hath giuen faire lands and tenements in the citie of London, for the perpe|tuall maintenance of the premisses to Gods glorie for euer. He also for the great commoditie of trauel|lers on foot, made a continuall causie of timber ouer the marshes from Walthamstow to Locke bridge towards London.