[1] This yeare the citizens of London, finding them|selues gréeued with the inclosures of the common fields about Islington, Hoxton, Shorditch, and other places néere to the citie,Inclosures of the fields a|bout London, cast downe & ouerthrowne. whereby they could not be suffered to exercise their bowes, nor other pastimes in those fields, as before time they had bene accusto|med, assembled themselues on a morning, and went with spades and shouels vnto the same fields, and there (like diligent workemen) so bestirred them|selues, that within a short space, all the hedges about those towns were cast downe, and the ditches filled. The kings councell comming to the graie friers, to vnderstand what was meant by this dooing, were so answered by the maior and councell of the citie, that the matter was dissembled: and so when the worke|men had doone their worke, they came home in quiet maner, and the fields were neuer after hedged.