[1] On the daie of the Purification of our ladie, at Lambeth, the king created the earle of Surrie duke of Norffolke, with an augmentation of the armes of Scotland, and sir Charles Brandon vicount Lis|le he created duke of Suffolke, and the lord How|ard high admerall he created earle of Worcester: and after this, he also made sir Edward Stanleie (for his good seruice shewed at Bramxston field) lord Mounteagle: and in March following was maister Thomas Wolsie the kings almoner, consecrated bi|shop of Lincolne. This man was borne at Ipswich, and was a good philosopher,Wolsie de|scribed. verie eloquent and full of wit; but passinglie ambitious, as by his dooings it well appeared. In the time of king Henrie the sea|uenth [page 830] it was agréed betwixt the said king and Philip king of Castile (that Charles king Philips eldest son should marrie the ladie Marie, daughter to the said king Henrie, with a dower to hir appointed: but for want of sufficient assurance of the dower, the rest of couenants were made void, and yet had the king highlie prouided for the sending of hir ouer, now af|ter his comming from Tornaie.