[1] [2] [3] At the same time, the lord Dacres came with his horssemen vpon the backs of the Scots; so that they being thus assailed behind and before, and on either side, were constreined (as inuironed about) to fight in a round compasse. King Iames as he beheld sir A|dam Forman his standard-bearer beaten downe,The stout sto| [...]ach of king Iames. thought suerlie then, there was no waie for him but death, and that euen out of hand. Wherefore to deli|uer himselfe from such despitefull reproch, as was like to follow, he rushed foorth into the thickest prease of his enimies; and there fighting in most desperat wise,He is slaine. was beaten downe and slaine. And a little be|side him, there died with like obstinate wilfulnesse, or (if ye list so to terme it) manhood, diuerse honorable prelats, as the archbishop of saint Andrewes, and two other bishops, besides foure abbats; also of lords and knights of honor a six and thirtie.