[1] [2] [3] Moreouer, in euerie band (almost generallie tho|roughout) there was a knight appointed for capteine and guider,French [...]|teins in the Scotish [...] and amongst them certeine French cap|teins, the which king Lewes had sent ouer into Scot|land latelie before, to traine the Scots in the practise of warres. The ordinance was lodged in places most conuenient; though by reason they marched downe the hill, their shot did small damage to the English|men comming vpwards towards them, and yet they bestowed it freshlie on either side one vpon an other. Héerwith sir Edmund Howard with his wing was got vp on the hill side,The battell is begun, and sir Edmund Howard in|countred with the earles of Lenox and Argile. with whome the lord Hume and the two foresaid earles of Lenox and Argile in|countered with such violence, that this battell of Scots with speares on foot on that part, beat downe and broke that wing of the Englishmen, in such wise that sir Edmund Howard was in maner left alone, and felled to the earth, that (had not bastard Heron come to his succours at that instant) he had béene slaine there without all remedie.