[1] In the meane time, king Iames beholding all the demeanor of the Englishmen, from the heigth of the hill,The Scotish kings thought at the view of the English armie. thought with himselfe, that there was offered him that daie a goodlie occasion of victorie, if he might come to fight with the enimies at such aduan|tage of place and number. And therfore, being hast|ned forward through the strenable force of destinie, or rather Gods ordinance, he commanded his stand|ards to be raised and spred, and euerie man to resort to his appointed place, that they might foorthwith in|counter the enimies, that presumed thus to séeke bat|tell. And héerewith turning him to the lords and cap|teins that stood about him, he spake vnto them ma|nie comfortable words touching the occasion offered them at that present, to gaine both a famous victo|rie, and to reuenge so manifold iniuries and displea|sures, as they had susteined diuerse waies foorth at the Englishmens hands.