[1] [2] Héerewith calling his people togither, he made vnto them a bréefe oration, declaring vnto them both what necessitie there was for them to shew their manhood, and what iust causes they had also to fight against those enimies, that against both the lawes of God and man had most cruellie inuaded the relme of England, in the quarrell of a schismatike, and one that was accurssed and excommunicated by the cen|sures of the church. The Englishmen kindled with desire to fight, the more thorough those words of the earle, required incontinentlie to be led foorth against the Scots, that they might shew what earnest wils they had to be reuenged; not onelie of new receiued wrongs, but also of ancient iniuries; for there should neither heigth of hill, nor anie other obstacle hinder them, but they would either returne with victorie, or else lose their liues in the paine.