[1] [2] But by such diligence as he vsed, and by reason of the great smoke which was raised and spred ouer all the countrie, by burning of the litter and cabbins wherein the Scots had lodged, purposelie set on fire to the same intent, he was got to the place whither he intended, before the Englishmen knew for anie cer|teintie that he was dislodged, though they were as then within a mile of him. Thus king Iames kéep|ing the tops of the hils, the earle of Surrie with the English armie came to the foot of the same hils, and staieng there a while, for so much as he saw how the [page 828] hill to the which the Scots were gotten, was neither steepe nor hard to ascend,The valiant determination of the earle to incounter the Scots. he determined to mount the same, and to fight with the Scotish hoast yer they should haue leasure to fortifie their campe.