[1] [2] [3] The Scotish herald is de|t [...]ined of the English.And forsomuch as the king kept Rouge Crosse with him, who was not yet returned, the same earle caused the same Ilaie to be in the kéeping of sir Humfrie Lisle and Yorke herald in the same vil|lage, vntill the time that a seruant of the same Ilaie might ride in all hast to the king of Scots, for the de|liuering of the said Rouge Crosse. Then the earle ioious of the kings answer, returned to his campe, and set forward fiue miles, to a place called Woller Haugh, in such order of battell, as euen then he should haue fought, and there lodged for that night, three little miles from the king of Scots. And be|twéene the king & him was a goodlie & large corne field called Milfield, which was a conuenient & faire ground for two hosts to fight on: there either host might perceiue other. The earles desire was to pro|cure the Scots to descend the hill into some euen ground, where he might fight with them without dis|aduantage of place.