20.1. The tenor of the said schedule.

The tenor of the said schedule.

[1] _AS to the causes alledged of our comming into England against our band and promise (as is alled|ged) thereto we answere; our bro|ther was bound as farre to vs, as we to him. And when we sware last before his ambassador, in presence of our councell; we expressed especiallie in an othe, that we would keepe to our brother, if our brother kept to vs, and not else. We sweare our brother brake first vnto vs. And since his breach we haue required diuers times him to amend; & latelie we warned our brother, as he did not vs, yer he brake. And this we take for our quarrell, and with Gods grace shall defend the same at your affixed time, which with Gods grace we shall a|bide.