[1] On the sixt daie of September, earlie in the mor|ning, the earle accompanied with the most part of the lords and knights, and gentlemen of the field, euerie man hauing with him but one seruant to hold his horsse, rode vnto the place: and so the said herald met with the earle, and with blunt reuerence decla|red to him that he was come from his maister the king of Scots, which would know whether the earle [page 827] sent anie such message by Rouge Crosse. The earle iustified the same, saieng further; that Rouge Crosse had the same message of him in writing, signed with his owne hand. Wherevnto the said Ilaie said: As to the abiding for battell betwéene that and fridaie then next following,The Scotish herald doth [...] errand to [...]. the king his maister bade him shew to the earle, that he was as welcome as anie noble man of England vnto the said king, and that if be h [...]d béene at home in his towne of Edenburgh, there receiuing such a message from the said earle, he would gladlie haue come, and fulfilled the said earles desire.