[1] [2] And before Rouge Crosse should depart with the said instructions,The lord ad|merals mes|sage to the king of Scots. the lord admerall gaue him in cre|dence to shew the said king of his comming, and part of his companie from the sea with him, and that he had sought the Scotish nauie then being on the sea, but he could not méet with them, bicause they were fled into France by the coast of Ireland. And in as much as the said king had diuerse and manie times caused the said lord to be called at daies of truce, to make redresse for Andrew Barton a pirat of the sea,Andrew Barton, of whom menti|on before pag. 811. long before that vanquished by the same lord adme|rall, he was now come in his owne proper person, to be in the vant-gard of the field, to iustifie the death of the said Andrew against him and all his people, and would sée what could be laid to his charge the said daie.