[1] An herald sent from the earle of Sur|rie to king Iames.At length it was concluded and determined a|mong other things, to send Rouge Crosse, purseuant at armes, with a trumpet to the king of Scots, with a message and certeine instructions: which in sub|stance was, to shew and declare vnto the said king of Scots, that where he (contrarie vnto his oth and league, and vnnaturallie against all reason and con|science) had entered and inuaded this his brothers realme of England, and done great hurt to the same, in casting downe castels, towers, and houses, bur|ning, spoiling, and destroieng the same, and cruellie murthering the king of England his brothers sub|iects; he the said earle would be readie to trie the rightfulnesse of the matter with the king in battell, by fridaie next comming at the furthest, if he of his noble courage would giue him tarieng and abode. And the same did the said earle promise, as he was a true knight vnto God & the king of England his maister.