[1] [2] [3] On the right hand it was defended with a riuer called Till, the course whereof being so swift, and the chanell in some places so deepe, that it might not con|uenientlie be passed. On the backe halfe there were such craggie rocks and thicke woods, that it was not possible to assaile him to anie aduantage that waie foorth. And on the forepart of the campe, where na|ture had left an easie entrie for men to come to the same, all his ordinance was planted aloft vpon the sides of such trenches, as he had caused to be cast for defense on that part. The earle of Surrie herevpon, considering with himselfe, that vnlesse he might de|uise some policie to cause the Scotish armie to des|cend the hill, it were not possible for him to accom|plish his desire, he called about him his councell, and with them tooke aduise in this point.