[1] [2] Of the wing on the right hand of the fore-ward, was capteine sir Edward Howard knight marshall of the host, & with him Brian Tunstall, Rafe Brear|ton, Iohn Laurence, Richard Bold, esquiers: sir Iohn Booth, sir Thomas Butler, knights: Ri|chard Done, Iohn Bigod, Thomas Fitz Williams, Iohn Claruis, Brian Stapleton, Robert Warcop, Richard Cholmleie, with the men of Hull, and the kings tenants of Hatfield, and others. Of the wing on the left hand, was capteine sir Marmaduke Constable, with his sonnes and kinsmen, sir Willi|am Persie, and of Lancashire a thousand men. Of the rere-ward was capteine the earle of Surreie himselfe, and with him the lord Scroope of Bolton, sir Philip Tilneie, sir George Darcie, sir Thomas Berkleie, sir Iohn Rocliffe, sir Christopher Pike|ring, Richard Tempest, sir Iohn Stanleie, with the bishop of Elies seruants, sir Brian Stapleton, Lio|nell Persie, with the abbat of Whitbies tenants, Christopher Clapham, sir William Gascoigne the yoonger, sir Guie Dawneie, maister Magnus, mai|ster Dalbies seruants, sir Iohn Normanuile, the citi|zens of Yorke, sir Ninian Markanuile, sir Iohn Willoughbie, with others.