[1] [2] Then the earle and his councell,The lord Ho|ward adme|rall captein [...] of the fore|ward. with great deli|beration appointed his battels in order, with wings, and with horsmen necessarie. First of the fore-ward was ordeined capteine the lord Howard admerall of England, as well with such as came with him from [page 826] the sea, as others. First the lord Clifford, the lord Coniers, the lord Latimer, the lord Scroope of Up|sall, the lord Ogle, the lord Lomlie, sir Nicholas Ap|pleyard maister of the ordinance, sir Stephan Bull, sir Henrie Shirburne, sir William Sidneie, sir Ed|ward Ichingham, sir William Bulmer, with the power of the bishoprike of Durham, sir William Gascoigne, sir Christopher Ward, sir Iohn Euering|ham, sir Thomas Metham, sir Walter Griffith, and manie others.