[1] On the fiue and twentith daie of September, the [page 824] king receiued letters from the earle of Surrie with the Scotish kings gantlet, whereby he was certified of the slaughter of the said king, and how all things had béene handled at the battell of Floddon,Sée Hall in Henrie. 8. fol. 37, 38. & histo|rie of Scot|land, pag. 297, 298. whereof héereafter yee shall find further mention. The king thanked God of the newes, and highlie commended the prowesse of the earle, and other the capteins: howbeit he had a secret letter, that Ches|shiremen and other fled from sir Edmund Howard in the battell, which letter caused great hartburning, and manie words: but the king tooke all things in good part, and would that no man should be disprai|sed. On the six and twentith daie, fiers were made in the hoast, in token of that victorie against the Scots, and on the seauen and twentith daie being tuesdaie, masse was soong by them of the kings chappell, with Te Deum, and the bishop of Rochester made a sermon, declaring the death of the king of Scots, and lamen|ting his euill hap and periurie. But now to our pur|pose of the siege of Tornaie.