[1] Then the king sent Gartier king of armes to sum|mon them to yeeld it ouer into his hands,Tornaie sum|moned by Gartier king of armes. to whome they made answer, that they receiued no citie of the king of England to kéepe, nor anie would they ren|der him, with which answer he departed. Then they fortified their wals, and made prouision for vittels, corne, wine, and artillerie, and for all fortifications that might be gotten. And the citie of it selfe was strong, well walled, and turrited with good bul|works and defenses. But when they saw the king with such a puissance draw néere the citie, they were sore abashed, and called a generall councell. Then the prouost said; Brethren,The prouost of Tornaies words to the distressed townesmen. you know how that the king of England sent an herald to summon vs to render vp to him this citie, or else he would put it and vs to the sword, fier, and bloud. We answered we would be at defense.