[1] There was appointed to attend the king vnto Lis|lie the duke of Buckingham, the lord marquesse Dorset, the earle of Essex, and the lord Lisle, with di|uerse other; the charge of his campe he committed for the time to his councell. Then mounted the king vpon a courser, his apparrell & bard were cloth of sil|uer of small quadrant cuts trauersed and edged with cut cloth of gold, and the border set full of red roses,Sir Henrie Guilford [...] of ye kings horsse his armour fresh & set full of iewels. The maister of his horsse sir Henrie Guilford, and the henchmen [page 823] followed (as you haue heard before) and the coursers richlie apparelled, and so were manie capteins that waited on the king: by the waie met the king the lord Rauesten with manie noble men. And a mile without the towne there met with him the burges|ses of Lisle, and presented to him the keies of the towne, saieng, that the emperor their souereigne lord had so commanded them to doo.