[1] Here it was determined in councell, that the wals and fortifications of Terwine should be ra|sed, which was doone, and the towne burned;Terwine burnt. except the cathedrall church and the palace. All the ordinance was sent to Aire to be kept there to the kings vse. Af|ter this, it was concluded that the king should laie siege to the citie of Tornaie;King Henrie marcheth on with his ar|mie to besiege Tornaie. wherevpon he set for|ward in thrée battels: the earle of Shrewesburie lea|ding the va-ward, the king and the emperour gouer|ning the battell, and the lord Chamberleine follow|ing with the rere-ward. The first night they incam|ped beside Aire. Diuerse Englishmen tarieng be|hind at Terwine for pillage, were surprised by the Frenchmen, which slue some of them, & cast some into the fire.The king g [...]eth to Lisle [...] visit the yoong prince Castile. Those that fled escaped verie narrowlie. The king with his armie passed forward towards Tor|naie, and by the waie visited the yoong prince of Ca|stile and the ladie Margaret, gouernor of the prince, in the towne of Lislie, whilest his armie laie abroad in the fields beyond Pont Auandien.