[1] After that the Englishmen were returned from the chase of the Frenchmen, whome they had follow|ed a thrée long miles from the field, the king made sir Iohn Pechie a baneret, and Iohn Carre knight, which was sore hurt: sir Iohn Pechie had his guidon taken, and diuerse of his men hurt,Sir Iohn Pechie [...] baneret, an [...] Iohn [...] knight. they followed so farre in the chase. After this ouerthrow of the French horssemen, the K. compassed the towne more streict|lie on ech side, and the batterie was brought so nigh the wals as might be, wherwith breaches were made in sundrie places, by meanes whereof the lord Pon|tremie despairing any long time to kéepe the towne, fell to a composition, and yéelded it vp to the kings hands. This incounter and ouerthrow,Terwine [...] vp to king Henrie. with the gi|uing vp of Terwine, is extant to the knowledge of forren nations (to be read) recorded as followeth:

Francorum pugnax equitatus praelia miscet,
Succurrúntque suis, sed frustra infirmior arma
Turba capit; palmam bellando potentior Anglus
Aufert, laethifera transfossis hostibus hasta.
Diruta turrifragis bombardis moenia praebent
Brutigenae ingressum facilem, Gallísque timorem
Inijciunt, tandem Terrouana deditur Anglo.