[1] There were amongest the Frenchmen certeine companies of Estradiots, which being placed before the French hoast, as they came downe the hill to [page 822] skirmish with the Englishmen saw where the ban|ners of the English horssemen were comming,The Estradi|ots mista|king footmen for horssemen fled first. and the kings battell following vpward, weening vere|lie that all had béene horssemen, wherevpon they cast themselues about and fled. The Frenchmen were so fast in arraie, that the Estradiots could not enter; and so they ran still by the ends of the Frenchmens ranks. Herewith the English horssemen set on, and about an hundred archers on horsse-backe, being lighted beside their horsses, and set by an hedge all a|longest a village side called Bomie, shot freshlie at their enimies; & also certeine culuerings being pla|ced on the top of an hill were discharged amongest the thickest prease of the Frenchmen; so that finallie the French were discomfited: for those that were be|hind saw the fall of some of their standards, which the Englishmen ouerthrew, and their Estradiots also (in whome they had great confidence) returne.