[1] [2] And yet was it nothing so, for neither the king knew of the Frenchmens approch that daie, neither they of his passing ouer the water. Edw. Hall. Polydor. But when the king had aduertisement giuen him (by the light horssemen that were sent abroad to discouer the countrie) how the Frenchmen were at hand; he pre|pared himselfe to the battell, and first set foorth his horssemen,The king with his bat|tell of footmen. and then followed himselfe with his bat|tell of footemen. The French capteins being hereof aduised, determined not to fight without their foot|men; and therefore with all spéed sent backe their carriages, and staied with their horssemen, vntill the carriages might haue leasure to get out of danger. In the meane time the Englishmen aduanced for|ward, and their horssemen mounted vp the hill, where the French horssemen were in troope, with thirtie and three standards spred, & might sée the Eng|lishmen comming, and the kings battell marching forward with the Almans.