[1] On the same morning the Frenchmen were com|ming with their conueie of vittels to refresh the towne, hauing appointed one part of their troops to kéepe on that side the riuer where the English armie was first incamped, and where the earle of Shrewes|burie still kept his field; that in offering the skir|mish on that side, the residue of the horssemen might with more ease and safetie put the vittels and other necessarie things into the towne on the other side. Here might a man haue séene of what force in wars sudden chance is oftentimes. Polydor. The force of sudden chance in warre. For the king thus with his battell passing the riuer, meaning to besiege the towne on euerie side, and the Frenchmen at that same instant hauing also passed the riuer with other carriages laden with vittels, purposing to reléeue the towne on that side, caused no small doubt to be conceiued of ech others meaning, on both parts, least that the one, hauing knowlege of the others purpose, had béene prepared for to hinder the same.