[1] Now as this trouble was in hand, the emperour came from Aire, and saw all the demeanour of both parts, and was glad to behold the discréet behauiour of the capteins.The king and the emperour consult which waies were best to besiege Terwine, to preuent the vittelling of it. After that the emperour was thus come to the kings field, the king called a councell, at the which the emperour was present, where it was de|bated, by what meanes they might best constreine them within to deliuer vp the towne, and especial|lie how to kéepe them from vittels & other succours, which the French armie (as it was knowne) meant verie shortlie to minister vnto them. Some were of this mind, and namelie the emperour; that bridges should be made ouer the riuer, to passe ouer a part of the armie to besiege the towne on that side; where o|therwise the French armie might vittell the towne at their pleasures.