[1] The emperour was honourablie receiued, and lod|ged in a rich tent of cloth of gold prepared for him, according as was conuenient for his estate. He ta|ried vntill sundaie being the foureteenth of August, and then returned to Aire: and on the morrow after came againe being mondaie the fiftéenth of August, on which daie there chanced a great fraie betwixt the Almans of the kings campe,A Fraie be|weene the Almans of the kings campe, and the Englishmen [...] appeased [...] the discre| [...] of the [...]. and the Englishmen, insomuch that manie were slaine. The Almans ran to the kings ordinance and tooke it, and imbattelled themselues, and bent the ordinance against the king and his campe. The English prepared their bowes, and the Almans made redie their pikes: but the cap|teins tooke such paines in the matter, that the fraie was appeased.