[1] [2] Monsieur de Piennes ap|pointed by the French king to vittell Terwine.The charge of this conueie was committed vn|to Monsieur de Piennes, because he was lieutenant of those marches: notwithstanding there were a|mongst the number, other noble men of more high degrée in honor, and also of great prowesse, fame, and experience, furnished with sundrie bands of men at armes of long approoued valiancie, and vsed to go a|waie with victorie in manie a dangerous conflict and battell, wanting at this present nothing but their old accustomed good fortune. Whilest the Frenchmen were thus prepared to come with vittels to Ter|wine,The emperor Maximilian weareth a crosse of saint George as souldier to the king of Eng|land. the emperour Maximilian came from Aire to the kings campe before Terwine the twelfe of Au|gust, wearing a crosse of saint George as the kings souldier, & receiuing of him salarie for seruice; which Anglorum praelia noteth as noteworthie, saieng:

Subrege Anglorum magnus meret induperator.