[1] [2] The letters thus sent to the king of England, were dated at Edenburgh the six and twentith daie of Iulie, and giuen vnder the signet of the said Sco|tish king. When the king had thus caused these let|ters to be read, and throughlie considered of them as apperteined, he sent them straight to the earle of Surrie, which then laie at Pomfret,King Henr [...] his answ [...] to the Scot [...] kings letter [...] Sée historie of Scotlan [...] pag. 297. [...] Edw. Hall [...] He. 8. fol. 30 [...] and caused other letters to be deuised to the king of Scots, the effect whereof was; that although he well perceiued by the kings letters, which he had receiued from him, in what sort, vnder colour of contriued occasions and feined quarrelles, he meant to breake the peace, he did not much maruell thereat, considering the ancient accustomed manners of some his progenitors.