[1] And now againe, where he had made the like re|quest for his brother & cousine the most christian king of France: yet notwithstanding, had the king of England caused him to lose his duchie of Millaine, and at this present inuaded his realme with all his puissance, to destroie him and his subiects, whereas yet the said king of France had béene euer fréend to him, & neuer giuen him occasion thus to doo. In con|sideration of which iniuries receiued in his owne per|son, and in his friends, he must néeds seeke redresse, and take part with his brother and cousine the said king of France. Wherefore he required him to desist from further inuasion and destruction of the French dominions, which to doo if he refused, he plainlie de|clared by the same letters, that he would doo what he could to cause him to desist from further pursute in that his enterprise, & also giue letters of marque to his subiects for the deniall of iustice made to them by the king of England.