[1] [2] Sir said the king of armes, I am his naturall sub|iect, and he is my naturall lord, and that he comman|deth me to say, I may boldlie say with fauour, but the commandements of other I may not, nor dare say to my souereigne: but your letters, with your honor sent, may declare your pleasure, for I may not say such words of reproch to him, to whom I owe onelie mine allegiance and faith. Then said the king, Wher|fore came you hither? will you receiue no answer? Yes said Lion, but your answer requireth dooing and no writing, that is, that immediatlie you should re|turne home. Well said the king; I will returne to your damage, and not at thy maisters summoning. Then the king commanded Gartier to take him to his tent, and to make him good cheare, which so did, and cherished him well: for he was sore abashed.