[1] The capteine of Bullongne kept six hundred men for a stale at the bridge, & sent the other into the ma|rishes and medows to fetch awaie the beasts and cat|tell which they should find there. This was doone, and some of them came so néere the walles of Calis, that they were escried. And about a six score coupers, ba|kers, shipmen & other which laie without the towne, hearing the alarme, got togither, & setting on those Frenchmen which were aduanced so néere the towne, slue them downe that abode,Watchmen found sléeping serued iustlie. chased them that fled euen into Newnam bridge, and recouered the same, and put backe their enimies. About fiue of the clocke in the morning, the gate of Calis called Bullongne gate was opened, and then by permission of the deputie, one Culpeper the vnder-marshall with two hundred archers vnder a banner of saint George issued foorth.Culpeper vn|der-marshall of Calis.