[1] The king nameth to [...]siege.The king laie here at Arkes till mondaie the first of August, and then remooued to a village midwaie betwixt Terwine and saint Omers, where he lay till thursdaie the fourth of August, and came that daie in good order of battell before the citie of Terwine, & there pight vp his tents and pauillions in most roiall manner, Ed [...]. Hall in [...] 8. fol. 28. fensing his campe right stronglie with ordi|nance and other warlike deuises. [The king for him|selfe had a house of timber with a chimnie of iron, and for his other lodgings he had great and goodlie tents of blew water worke garnished with yellow and white, diuerse roomes within the same for all offi|ces necessarie. On the top of the pauillions stood the kings beasts holding fanes, as the lion, the dragon, the greihound, the antelope, the dun cow: all within the lodging was pointed full of the sunnes rising, the lodging was one hundred and fiue and twentie foote in length.]