[1] [2] On the one and twentith of Iulie, the kings ma|iestie passed foorth of Calis, and tooke the field, diui|ding [page 818] the armie which he had there with him into three battels.The order of the kings ar|mie. The lord Lisle marshall of the host was cap|teine of the fore-ward, and vnder him thrée thousand men: sir Richard Carew with three hundred kept on the right side of the same fore-ward as a wing there|to: and the lord Darcie with other three hundred men was a wing on the left hand. The fore-riders of this battell were the Northumberland men on light geldings. The earle of Essex was lieutenant gene|rall of the speares, and sir Iohn Pechie was vicego|uernour of all the horssemen, and sir Iohn Burdet standard-bearer to the kings spears. An eight hun|dred Almans went on a plumpe by themselues be|fore the kings battell, and the duke of Buckingham with six hundred men was on the kings left hand, e|quall with the Almans, in like maner as sir Edward Poinings was on the right hand, with other six hun|dred men equall with the Almans.