[1] [2] [3] Thus were the vittels lost, and yet the French|men went not awaie with cleere hands: for those few archers that closed togither, shot so egerlie, that they slue and hurt diuerse Frenchmen; and on the field laie foure score and seuen great horsses, which died there in the place, and neuer went further. On the fiftéenth day of Iune the K. departed from Gréene|wich, taking his iourneie towards Douer,The king in person pasteth ouer into France. whither he came by easie iournies, and the quéene in his com|panie. After he had rested a season in the castell of Douer, and taken order for the rule of the realme in his absence, he tooke leaue of the queene, and entring his ship the last daie of Iune, being the daie of saint Paule: he sailed ouer to Calis, where he was recei|ued with great ioy by the deputie sir Gilbert Talbot and all other there. At his entring into Calis, all the banished men entred with him, and were restored to the libertie of the towne. The king laie in Calis a certeine time, till all his prouisions were readie, but the armie laie in campe at Newnham bridge.