[1] The seuen and twentith daie of Iune being mon|daie, sir Nicholas Uaux and sir Edward Belknap, hauing with them foure hundred and thrée score men set from Guisnes to conduct foure and twentie carts laden with vittels towards the siege at Terrouan; but the duke of Uandosme lieutenant of Picardie with eight hundred horssemen set on them as they passed through Ard, and found them so out of order, that notwithstanding all that the English capteins could doo to bring men into arraie, it would not be: for the Frenchmen set on so readilie, that they kept the Englishmen in sunder. Yet the horssemen of Guisnes, being not past foure and twentie in all, tooke their speares and ioined with the Frenchmen right manfullie, and likewise thrée score archers shot freshlie at their enimies; but the Frenchmen were so manie in number, that they obteined the place, slue eight gentlemen, and diuerse archers. Sir Nicholas Uaux and sir Edward Belknap fled toward Guis|nes.